Register now for Spring Classes!
Spring Semester begins January 6th
Celebrating 20 years
For more information, call the studio at (817) 423-9888 or email us at info@balletcenterfortworth.com
Recital Playbill Ads

Our high-quality playbills are a wonderful keepsake, especially with a special message from you!
We offer the opportunity for families and friends of our students to place an advertisement in our Spring Recital playbill. Send your dancer an encouraging message, advertise your business, and more. Why not go in together together to thank a favorite teacher, add a group pic, or surprise a friend? The opportunities are endless. Click for order form.
More info and prices:
Click to view pdf order form. You can print it out to fill out, or just view for more info and prices. We will also have forms available at the studio. All ads must be turned in to Ballet Center of Fort Worth or e-mailed to balletcenter_fw@yahoo.com and paid for by Saturday, April 25th.
Scribble (a one-line sentence) – $10, Quarter Page - $30, Half Page - $50, Full Page - $90
Submitting Advertisements and Specifics:
The layout will be determined by the playbill designer.
Order and placement of “Scribbles” will be determined by the designer.
Text only is acceptable. You may send the text on the form below, or in an email, Word or PDF file.
Keep in mind that you may use colors for your text.
Text may be combined with art or photos. If you are unable to design the ad yourself, please
send instructions to the designer.
Art or photos should be emailed and must be at least 300 dpi. Resizing and/or cropping may be
done by the designer in order to fit the ad size.
Print-ready ads from individuals or businesses must be 300 dpi; jpeg format is acceptable.
Don't hesitate to call or come by for help or more info. We would love to assist you in any way!