Register now for Spring Classes!
Spring Semester begins January 6th
Celebrating 20 years
For more information, call the studio at (817) 423-9888 or email us at info@balletcenterfortworth.com

Spring Recital, May 27th & 28th, 2016
Pre-Ballet 3 Showcase TBD
Ballet Center showcases the work of the students at the end of the year with the Spring Recitals. The performances take place May 27 & 28th for students age 4 and up. The students of age 3 will have a special Showcase at the end of the year at the studio and family members will be invited to attend.
Schedules. Tickets, and Costumes
Recital packets are here! For the dates, schedules, what to bring and more, dowload your copy here. Costumes are in! Check in to see if your dancer's has arrived. Tickets for the recital are on sale for $10 at the front desk. Call or stop by.
If you pre-ordered bouquets, the flowers will be ready for your dancer during their perfomance. Single stem roses and small bouquets of three roses will be for sale before, during, and after the show while supplies last. You can also relive the magic by purchasing a recital DVD. See us at the front desk or give us a call for more information.
Recital Photography
Ballet Center wants you to have professional photos of your dancer's big moment. For safety reasons, we do not allow photography during the performance, but we will sell quality digital or print photos of the recital available after the show.
For more information please contact us at info@balletcenterfortworth.com or call 817.423.9888
Purchase Past Recital and Performace Photos: